What Makes KfG Coaching Different From Other Coaching Firms?

At KfG Coaching, we are proud to be different than what you will find in other executive and business coaching practices.  At KfG, we believe that business and career coaching is not just intended for the elite, high-performance, and executive leaders.  We believe that coaching is an offer that should be readily available to ALL employees within the organization.

Organizations are shifting their attention more than ever to employee well-being. When employees feel valued and supported at work, it can increase employee engagement and motivate them to achieve personal and company goals. Focusing on and supporting an employee’s well-being can also lead to increased employee retention.  Imagine the possibilities if employees within the walls of the organization were offered coaching support to identify and help strengthen their own career growth and action.

But coaching often is seen as an expensive investment that only the elite can afford. At KfG we change that assumption for organizations. Many employees have strong drive and determination but they need assistance unlocking their greater potential. A coach can help them see things in a new light and improve confidence.

 What we have done at KfG Coaching is we have found a solution to bridge this gap.  Our coaches are certified and trained to coach the highest-level executives within the company. We also share a passion to support every employee with the same care and expertise in order to allow the entire organization to grow and strengthen together. By introducing this to your employees, you are also communicating to them that all levels within your organization have equal opportunities to grow and advance. It is easy to talk about resources that help an employee grow but KfG coaching shows your employees you are serious about it.  This level of care is extremely beneficial to employees that take advantage of KfG Coaching.

And oftentimes, KfG Coaching is offered as an addition to employees as part of their employee benefits program and package. Including our services as part of the benefits programs shows your employees that you value their mental health. By encouraging your employees to seek help and leverage KfG coaching, you are showing them that you are invested in them.  With confidential conversations, employees are feeling heard, and supported by their organization and their coach, and are reporting higher productivity, team morale, retention, and organizational growth.

In fact, 98% of people that have participated in KfG coaching feel supported.  94% of people stated they left with action steps to continue their growth. The average rating of KfG coaching sessions is 4.82/5, with an overall participant experience rating of 4.88/5. Now think about your entire organization. How many perks do you offer that leave 98% of participating employees feeling supported? How often do employees rate an experience at almost 5 stars? Odds are not many.


Maybe now is the time to reframe the way you think about professional coaching. What are the possibilities that coaching can offer your employees? What can that empower your employees to do in the future?

Celebrating your success,

Krista Ryan


Are You Living a Fixed or Growth Mindset?


What is a Coach and Why are They Valuable?