Celebrate the Wins: Big, Small, Every Single One - CELEBRATE!

Let’s look at a few examples of wins at work:

·       Speaking up at a meeting

·       Pausing before you react

·       Making someone’s day lighter or brighter

·       Having a difficult conversation in an effective way

·       Requesting a promotion

·       Doing well on a project

·       Receiving a salary increase

Why is it important to celebrate the wins?

  1. Giving ourselves credit for our accomplishments builds the muscle of positive affirmation, which increases levels of self-confidence and drive to reach for the next goals.

  2. Sharing our wins with others builds connection, trust, and community. It gives others the message to share their wins with you, strengthening relationships.

  3. It builds awareness around what actually feels good and connects us to our deeper purpose. This can give us clarity on what goals to aim for in the future- near future and farther away future.

  4. It feels good and it's fun!


Here are some ways you can celebrate the wins:

·       Write down all the wins that you had in the last year. Include your personal and professional wins. Look back and admire that list!

·       Keep a journal and write down your accomplishments each week

·       Set up a time to share and celebrate with a friend, colleague, or family member

·       Give yourself an afternoon at your favorite bookstore

·       Meet for a coffee with a friend or share a delicious meal together.

·        Take yourself for a nice walk or time in nature

·       And MEGA wins deserve BIG celebrations; throw yourself a party or take yourself on that vacation!


We can all fall into the pattern of working hard to tick off the to-dos. I encourage you to pause in between the ticks and celebrate yourself! It's a win-win!


An example from my own life that just happened today… Today is my puppy’s first birthday, and I celebrated this accomplishment by taking him for a walk around the neighborhood. (As many of you know the first year of having a puppy really does feel like a milestone!) Milou was wearing a goofy bandana that says, ‘Happy Birthday’. As we passed by a neighbor she smiled, and I shared that it was his birthday. When we came back from our walk my neighbor had dropped off a chew toy for our birthday boy! It feels good to share with others and build community in this positive way.


*And one more tip for how to celebrate at work --  go around the table at your next meeting and take the time to celebrate each other!

I celebrate you - Go celebrate yourself!

Written by KfG Coach - Leah Lawrence

Learn more about Leah HERE.


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